Monday 20 August 2007

Disappointment is ...

...where reality doesn't match up to expectations. So I was hugely disappointed when I decided after after chemo cycle 3 that I was going to stay away from infections and stay out of hospital for 2 weeks, that on day 9 I got the shivers and then the sweats, the temperature spike and found myself back in for 6 days.

IV antibiotics kept me well, but I again needed 2 units of blood, coincidentally as my brother Tony was making his 75th donation - one a year and it soon mounts up (just kidding). I was feeling well all the time, so my continued expectation was my white blood count would bounce back quickly. The reality was it took its time. A bit of a mental challenge, those 6 days, but put in perspective by the news we got last Friday.

We got the shocking news that Daniela's dear friend and colleague Jo, whom I mentioned before battling nobly against her second cancer, had a massive heart attack and died. She was having a harsh and intensive regime of chemo, but she seemed well and we had no expectations other than her battles would continue. It can get like that: we build expectations of remission or maybe even cure; we think positively and we all act strong. But sometimes cancer gets you - or the treatment does. That's the reality. May she rest in peace.

Jo was a wife, mother, and latterly a doting and delighted grandmother. A fine colleague to Daniela and others. But we, like hundreds of others came to know her first as a passionate and inspirational teacher. I do not use those words lightly. She made a huge difference to a generation and half of children, including our four.

We should all hope to have such an impact.


Anonymous said...

..Thankyou Paul,
May Jo rest in Peace.
God Bless You,Daniella & family as you each live out your own life stories.
You'll be right Paul.. i wish these words could convey my eanest concern & faith in you.
{Don't move the goal posts )
With my deeepest sympathy to you all on the loss of a rare & special companion
soon & with all my Love, Cxxx,

Anonymous said...


Heartfelt sympathies for the recent loss of an inspiration in Jo.

Reading your latest medical report I was shocked to see that you wanted to experience more day-time TV! It really isn't worth it so with all the support of your family, friends and work colleagues I am sure that you can kick this habit of box watching and get back to the life we all want for you....:-)

Where there is a will there is a way.

Glad to see that you now share the same hair style as I do (nearly).

All the best in your struggle and I am sure that you will come through stronger than ever..


Unknown said...

Dear Paul. Sory I haven't write for so long but I was at a handball tournament in Chubut, south of Argentina.By the way, aparently some people from Argentinas national team are very interested, they went to this tournament to watch my matches (i am goalkeeper) still waiting though...
So, how is everyone at home?? I was in the chat with Frank and he told me you are doing better now. Laura's birthday is coming, and yours get well to enjoyt!!!!
Love you lots, Mary

Anonymous said...


Battles come and go but the war is still there to be won mate. Keep it up old buddy.


Anonymous said...

Hi Paul

Only recently heard your "news" and came along to check out your blog. Gee whizz, what some people will do to watch daytime TV!! :-)

After a pretty tough year with illness and personal bereavements, although nothing compared to yours, I have found your blogging to be quite inspirational. But then I guess you have always had that sort of effect.

Just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you, Daniella and the family.
Keep your chin up and take care
love Deb M xx
P.S. I think the bald look suits you! :-)

John Clarke said...

Hello mate ... attention seeking again, then!

I only heard minutes ago about your situation. Attitude is everything and you've got just what it takes.

Let me know when you're ready for a juggle and a glass of wine.


John :)